Do you remember when was the last time you wrote a resolution and achieved it? If you are still thinking, it could be because that happened a long time ago. But more realistically, you’re still thinking because you never achieved it!
If you have problems keeping to your own plans and goals, use my simple yet effective system below to help you on your way!
One of the most common reasons why we are unable to complete the resolution is because we fail to prioritise our personal goals in life and keep track of them.
My step-by-step system addresses this problem and makes achieving resolutions so easy you wish you had asked me earlier.
1. Set Specific Resolutions
Be specific. You are the only one who knows the details of your resolution. So be just as succinct. What do you want to achieve? By when and how do you wish to achieve it? Write it down. Then integrate it into your daily routine.
Write it down. Then integrate it into your daily routine.
The Specific: “I want to lose 10kg by 1 Sep 2008 by running every Friday.”
The Generic: “I want to lose weight”.
2. Measure Your Resolution
You won’t know how you are progressing if you don’t monitor your progress. If you do’t track it from day one, you will lose track of your progress (if any at all). Sometimes, it also serves as a morale booster to spur you onto greater heights!
The Specific: Use a calendar to mark and track your progress.
The Generic: Not keeping track of your progress.
3. Ensure Your Resolution is Achievable!
You have to be honest with yourself and set achievable fitness goals. There’s no point writing down something for the sake of writing and then discovering later on that it’s not quite achievable. Be fair to yourself. Write down something achievable and then integrate it into your daily routine.
The Specific: “I want to lose 3kg a week.”
The Generic: “I want to lose 15kg a week.”
4. Ensure Your Resolution is Realistic!
You can have the best laid plans but you don’t take any form of action to realise them, they will at best remain only as plans on paper. Visualise your plan and ensure it is realistic. Again, remember you are not Superman. Nobody knows your current situation better than yourself. Ensure it is not a mission impossible task!
The Specific: “I will run 5km thrice a week.”
The Generic: “I will run 20km everyday.”
5. Set a Time Line for Your Goals
Everything revolves around a deadline, be they our office projects or school assignments. Similarly, a fitness goal should have a start date and an end date. Having a time frame set out immediately puts things into perspective as it shows us how much time we have before we are to achieve the goal. A time line also creates a sense of urgency for us to take concrete steps to the destination.
The Specific: “I will lose 10kg by 1 Sep 2008.”
The Generic: “I will lose 10kg soon.”
6. Hire a SMART Fitness Coach
Finding it difficult to motivate yourself or even taking the crucial first step? You can easily overcome this by hiring a SMART fitness coach.
A SMART fitness coach doubles up as someone who encourages you, celebrates each milestone achieved and reminds you of the work ahead still left to be done. Working together with a SMART fitness coach, you can look forward to achieving resolution after resolution, time after time. Do yourself a favour and hire one today!
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