7 Tips To Boost Your Gym Workouts
Sometimes I really have no time to squeeze in an hour or a 45-minute workout owing to my schedule. Well, this is a very common feedback from many people.
In this age and time where we are always racing against time, it is indeed a luxury to have a full hour’s workout.
Tip 1: Avoid Long Unnecessary Warm-Ups
The purpose of a warm-up is to get your body ready for a more strenuous activity. But hell no, it doesn’t have to last very long.
My recommendation for a warm-up will be about 10 minutes. You could do a short bout of skipping or brisk walking on the treadmill. Such activities are ideal for increasing your heart rate, warming your muscles and improving the mobility of your joints. All these will help prevent injuries.
Frankly, if you spend more than 10 minutes on your warm-up, then you are eating into your proper workout time.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This often quoted saying is so relevant for my third tip. If you are like some people whom I see at the gym (who are either standing around idling or watching other people workout), you are just wasting your time. You will be better off watching a movie at the cinemas instead!
Have a clear workout plan before you start each workout so you know what’s expected of you. And move swiftly to your next exercise so your heart rate stays high, making your workout harder and more intense, leading to greater overall gains.
Most modern gyms have creature comforts. But if you consider this, creature comforts are also forms of distraction for us. They add no value except to interrupt our workout. The biggest culprit is the LCD big-screen televisions. The televisions may be beaming things that are hard to ignore such as live sport, girls in bikinis. I know it’s hard to resist the temptation to look but just remember the story of Medusa. If you look too much and stare too hard, chances are you too will turn to stone. Yes, you will be so stoned and transfixed that you lose your workout focus. Enough said.
Get the body you desire by training smart! Contact my team if you need further help 🙂
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